Discover Your Hair Transplant Reality

Welcome to Hair Transplant Reality, the easiest place to find information on the best doctors, transplants, and how to keep or regrow your hair.  We will also debunk hair transplant myths and help you find the best hair transplant YouTube channels to watch!  Stay tuned as we will be updating the website weekly!

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Discover Your Hair Transplant Reality

Get Started on Your Hair Transplant Journey Today Discover Your Hair Transplant Reality

Deciding to get hair transplant surgery can be a really big choice. It's important to learn as much as you can before making a decision. That's where I come in to help! Hair Transplant Reality is a helpful website for everything about hair transplants. I'll share the best info, doctors, videos, and products to help your hair grow back or stop it from falling out. Whether you choose surgery or other ways to fix your hair, I'm here to make sure you don't waste time or money on things that don't work anymore.

Don’t waste your time doing consultations without asking the right questions! Sign up for our free toolkit to ensure you are asking the right questions and to help you find the best doctor for your needs! We will also send monthly emails with new products and breaking news in the hair transplant industry so you don’t waste your next few years (and thousands of dollars) testing them all yourself!

If you have anymore questions, check out our articles under the “Learn More” page. Head to my “About Me” page to learn more about my Hair Transplant Reality!

  • Simple answer is - they are both great for different things.

    FUT is the gold standard as it takes the most amount of TRULY DHT-resistant donor hair and uses them in your hair. It does leave a linear scar and can be a bit worse on healing, but typically allows more hair to be transplanted and should not thin out your donor area.

    FUE is great if you want to have short hair cuts and no linear scarring. That being said, it can transplant less DHT-resistant hair, especially in mega sessions of 4000-6000 grafts (when the doctors extractions really span a large area of your head). It does heal easier and is less noticeable.

  • The price of a hair transplant varies greatly. Typically, it will cost anywhere between $1,000 – $30,000. Watch my video on hair transplant cost, it will explain a lot.

  • Honestly, this is dependent on your donor hair and how you heal. It also greatly depends on which doctors you choose. My goal is to help you get better or similar results by helping you find the right doctor for you. I will never tell you which is the best doctor, as there are many exceptional doctors, but what I will do is help you find non-surgical ways to save/regrow your hair. Then, if you need/want a hair transplant you call 3-5 of the doctors on my list. Tell them I sent you and see how you feel about them. If you want one, then I am happy to have helped you find a great doctor! I would love for you to email me your before pictures and then monthly pictures. Also, send me updates on how each doctor has done for you so I can help ensure they are upholding the extraordinary results we expect and know they achieve regularly.

  • It is recommended by most doctors to wait at least 30 days after your surgery to work out again. I would consult your doctor after this time period.

  • This is a question for your doctor and it will be based on your hair loss and goals. An average number of grafts is 1,000 – 2,500 (for low to medium hair loss) to restore a hairline again. This will depend on your goals. In the future, I’ll make an in-depth video on my channel on this!

  • Have you tried multiple other ways to fight hair loss? Have you properly taken the medicines or properly applied/used hair loss prevention products? Check our products review page for different methods to save your hair and regrow some that are miniaturized before jumping into a surgery.

    If you have tried all of those methods and are still losing the battle against hair loss, then you should consult a doctor about other options or a transplant. If you don’t know where to start, call one or more of our recommended doctors to get more info!

  • Most of the time – yes.

    For example, for the first 3 months, you will shed A LOT of hair due to trauma from the surgery. You can expect all or most of the hair that was transplanted to fall out, then they will start to regrow around month 3. After this time period, we all shed hair naturally. Now if you are seeing hundreds of hairs falling out per day 6 months after your hair transplant, call your doctor! If you have any concerns just message them, they can give you an accurate evaluation of what is normal. If you don’t trust them, call another doctor! Check our list of recommended doctors, they are willing to help you!

  • This depends on your body and how experienced your surgeon is. Typically, hair transplant surgery takes 1-2 weeks for a majority of the healing to be done. Then, 4 weeks for you to be able to work out again and 6-12 months for redness of the skin to fully disappear. For any questions on the healing process, consult your doctor!

  • On average, there are 2 hairs per graft. However, it can range between 1-4 hairs as some have more.